Celebrate Christmas with Us on Saturday, Dec. 14th & Sunday, Dec. 15th!
Please sign up for the service you will be attending below: 

Thank you to everyone who Adopted a child's Christmas this year! 
All Cash Offerings given on Dec. 14th & 15th will go towards the Good Samaritan Fund 

Young Adults  (18-24 Yr. olds)

Young Adults Ministry is hosting a Christmas Party on Tuesday, Dec. 17th at 7 pm. 

Bell Choir

The Pre-K Bell Choir will be doing a special song during each service on Sunday, Dec. 22nd! 

Amplify Youth

Amplify Youth is hosting a Christmas Party at the Church on Wednesday, Dec. 18th at 6:22 pm
for 6th-12th Graders. This will be a time of food, games, Christmas Costumes, cookie exchange, gift exchange and so much more! 

Amplify Kids: Family service

Amplify Kids is hosting a Gingerbread Bash on Saturday, Dec. 7th at 2:45 pm!  Then at 3:30 pm, we will have our Annual Amped Kids Christmas Service with family worship, games, and live action actors! Click HERE to RSVP

Amplify Kids Party

Amplify Kids will be hosting a Happy Birthday Party on Sunday, Dec. 22nd during Kids Classes. 

Kids lead Worship

On Saturday, December 21st,  Amplify Elementary Kids will help lead worship during the 6:30 pm Service!  
Click HERE to sign your K-5th up to help sing.

Jonathan Elkins will be leading a special Christmas Class on Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 6:30 pm. In this class we will do a deep dive to discover the history, prophecies, and symbolism found in the Bible surrounding the birth of Christ.


We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.